Offline maps available now!


The harmony :
Single system, many components.
All GIS components here run in the same compact system, i.e. they are not only compatible with each other but also they cooperate..

It is possible to start with a map component, and after a while, if optimum route calculation is needed for example, just dropping a TGAgisRouter onto the form, and linking it to the map component makes it ready to solve travelling salesman problems.

Or, if tracking mobile assets is required, just a TGAgisTracker linked to a map control will be enough to show objects being tracked on the map when fed with data.

They will all know each other and use methods of others and notify them for appropriate events when needed.

Smart Components
A Delphi / BCB component, that can work offline or online using our native libraries and tiles from map providers. It lets you use tiles with Mercator and EquiRectangular projections, and draw overlays (markers, labels, polylines, polygons, curves, circles, arrows, kmls..) over the map.
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TGAgisSmartMap for the Firemonkey Platform.
Again, no html, no javascript, pure native to reflect the power of Delphi.

And now, prices are %50 discounted and it comes with a bonus :
You get a license for TGAgrdPropertyEditor used in the demo for free !

Bing Components
A Delphi / BCB component, that encapsulates Bing Maps API and Bing Maps 3D API, letting you integrate Map Services of Microsoft, with Delphi / BCB applications without hassling with html / javascript.
It helps you manage markers, labels, polylines, polygons, curves, circles, directions, perspective imagery, arrows, ..
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A Delphi / BCB component, that lets you acquire geographical information from text addresses, coordinates or ip addresses. It returns latitude, longitude, elevation, geo-address using Bing Map Services.
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Google Components
A Delphi / BCB component, that encapsulates Google Map (V2 and V3) API and Google Earth API, letting you integrate Map Services of Google, with Delphi / BCB applications without hassling with html / javascript.
It helps you manage markers, labels, polylines, polygons, curves, circles, directions, xmls, kmls, street view, aerial imagery, arrows, fusion layers, ground and screen images, and more with 97 events and 188 properties.
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A Delphi / BCB component, that lets you acquire geographical information from text addresses, coordinates or ip addresses. It returns latitude, longitude, elevation, geo-address, country code / name, administrative area, locality, thoroughfare, postal code, along with status and accuracy level.
It can use both HTTP Geocoder or Client Geocoder.
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This component encapsulates the new Google Places API.
With this component, you can search for places around a location,
providing a name and / or keyword(s).
It can also acquire details of places and even let you check in to them.
(Requires TGAgisGoogleGeo component.)
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This component encapsulates the Google StreetView API.
With this image component, you can simulate street view of a location.
It allows, getting the street view image of a location, according to the heading, pitch and fov values provided.
It is an interactive image that utilizes mouse drags and wheel scrolls like the original street view layer.
With this component it is so easy to create a chart with country specific data.
Just define water, ground and min/max colors, and provide the data, it will render a nice chart instantly. Whole world or available regions can be displayed.

Although it uses a Google API, it does not require any keys or registrations,
so can be used together with any other package also.

Common Components
This component calculates the optimum route (shortest path) between multiple points in terms of either distance or duration, using Google or Bing Map Directions service. If caching is enabled, the component will query a direction only once, which means a significant performance gain.
It allows choosing Start / Finish points, closed loops, avoiding highways and can find the optimum route across 256 points at once.
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This component is capable to track moving objects, calculating their speed, heading and mileage, keeping valuable data like, min / max / average / current speed, altitude.. It can also notify special situations with them like starting, stopping, exceeding a speed limit, collision with other moving or fixed location assets etc. It can show / center objects with any given icon on map when connected to a map control (TGAgisBingMap, TGAgisGoogleMap or TGAgisYahooMap).
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This component will help you prepare animations on TGAgisGoogleMap easily.
Currently it can animate markers with several effects like, flash, blink, move, resize, change colors and text, animate via series of images etc.
It can also set Google's predefined animations Bounce and Drop.
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This component will bring GPS data from compatible Garmin USB devices.
It can query coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude) along with error estimations, date / time and satellite information.
It can search for devices plugged in and connect / disconnect with a single call. Along with this component, another generic USB component TGAusbNotifier, which can detect and notify plug-in and unplug of any USB device will be provided free of charge.
This component manages conversions between many coordinate systems and formats. Some of the capabilities are : Converting between Ellipsoids, Datums (Spheroids), Decimals from/to DMM / DMS formats, from/to Grid References, from/to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System.

It uses Helmert conversion technique to gain high accuracy.

This component allows importing points, polylines and polygons from KML files.
It supports local styles of lines, polygons and icons. StyleMap, MultiGeometry and ExtendedData tags are also supported. Document Name and Description properties and LookAt information can also be extracted.
Point, LineString (Polyline) and Polygon kml types are currently supported.
This component allows importing points, polylines and polygons from ESRI Shape files. It can also parse matching DBX file to read attributes.
It does not require SHX files, SHP and an optional DBX file will be enough.
Point, PointZ, Polyline, Polygon and MultiPoint shape types are currently supported.
This component allows extracting data from NMEA - National Marine Electronics Association - sentences.
It can be used to parse sentences one by one or a file containing sentences.
Checksum validation can be set on or off.
Currently it supports BOD, GGA, GLL, RMC, VTG, ZDA sentences.

This component allows exporting points, polylines and polygons from KML files.
It supports styles of lines, polygons and icons. Document Name and Description properties can also be exported.
Point, LineString (Polyline) and Polygon kml types are currently supported.

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